By encouraging your school to join the Trash to Cash Challenge, not only can your students make a positive impact on the environment and develop valuable skills, but your school also has the chance to be recognised as a leading advocate for sustainability.Â
Together, let's strive for excellence in environmental stewardship and pave the way for a greener tomorrow!
Green School Recognition
The schools that have more than one team participating in the Trash to Cash Challenge will receive Teach A Man To Fish's 'Green School Recognition', a prestigious certificate that showcases their dedication to making a positive impact on the environment. This recognition highlights the school's commitment to sustainability and acknowledges their efforts in promoting eco-consciousness among students.
Top Green School Award
And at the Trash to Cash Challenge, we believe in recognising and celebrating the efforts of schools that go above and beyond in promoting environmental sustainability, so we want to award the school that leads the way in environmental sustainability with the 'Top Green School Award'. This award will be given to the school with the highest number of student participants in the challenge. The school that receives this award will get the exciting opportunity to be showcased on our social media platforms and be part of the celebration event, further highlighting their exceptional commitment to creating a greener and more sustainable future.
The Trash To Cash Challenge is an initiative by Teach A Man To Fish, a registered UK charity no. 1112699